WGA addresses the needs of at-risk youth through a holistic array of clinical, medical, educational, vocational and recreational services within a highly structured, safe and caring environment.
The MindWell Center is an outpatient mental health system headquartered in Ithaca, New York. MindWell’s mission is to provide high quality evidence-based mental health care.
The Ithaca Health Alliance's mission is to facilitate access to health care for all, with a focus on the needs of uninsured & underinsured persons through the operation of the Ithaca Free Clinic.
CHWC is a child welfare agency. Tompkins Tioga Youth ACT addresses the significant needs of youth with significant psychiatric needs, who are at risk of institutional level of care.
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124 Brindley Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 – (607) 273-7080 – info@tompkinschamber.org