We specialize in residential, commercial, and land sales throughout the Finger Lakes region, Central New York, and the Southern Tier. Trust us to guide you through your real estate transaction!
Ithaca Community Recovery is a not-for-profit corporation that provides safe, affordable, and drug/alcohol free meeting and event space for 12 Step and other recovery oriented groups.
At SHIFT, we are on a mission to create inclusive, equitable communities who thrive. SouthWorks repurposes a historic industrial manufacturing site into a destination neighborhood.
A full service environmental consulting firm servicing a variety of public and private sector clients primarily in the Mid Atlantic and New England regions.
Printed courtesy of www.tompkinschamber.org/ – Contact the Tompkins Chamber for more information.
124 Brindley Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 – (607) 273-7080 – info@tompkinschamber.org